Browse Tifton Stories - Page 10

256 results found for Tifton
Freshly picked blueberries sit in baskets at the University of Georgia horticulture farm in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Essential Oil Grant
Organic fruit and vegetable growers want to meet the recent uptick in national consumer demand, but they need additional tools to battle pests and diseases that often accompany organic crop growth.
ShowCAES will be held via Zoom web conference from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29. CAES News
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and UGA Tifton campus are providing high school and college students an online opportunity to explore majors and careers at the upcoming annual ShowCAES event.
Nick T. Place, an academic leader with a record of applying research-based expertise to the needs of agricultural producers and communities, has been named dean of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and director of UGA Cooperative Extension and the Agricultural Experiment Stations. CAES News
CAES Dean Named
Nick T. Place, an academic leader with a record of applying research-based expertise to the needs of agricultural producers and communities, has been named dean of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and director of UGA Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Stations.
Simerjeet “Simer” Virk, who has served as a research engineer in the UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences since 2016, took on a new role Aug. 1 as assistant professor and Extension precision agriculture specialist on UGA’s Tifton campus. CAES News
Precision Ag Specialist
Georgia producers have a new precision agriculture resource to enhance productivity on their farms.
UGA Extension peanut entomologist Mark Abney speaks about peanuts during the Midville Field Day in 2019. Faculty will give presentations online for this year's field day. CAES News
Midville Field Day 2020
University of Georgia faculty will share the latest research on cotton, soybeans, corn and other southeast Georgia crops during the annual Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center Field Day held online Aug. 12.
"Skippy stands" have been more prevalent this summer, which may increase the incidence of tomato spotted wilt virus infection. (Photo by Phillip Edwards, Irwin County) CAES News
TSWV Control
Come August, the state's peanut growers will either see the payoff of their spring efforts to control for tomato spotted wilt virus, or they will be planning ways to preventatively manage this persistent virus with recommendations from University of Georgia scientists.
UGA researchers released new red 'RubyCrisp' muscadine variety for those who want a sweet berry flavor with just a hint of muscadine. CAES News
Sweet, Red Muscadine
From late summer into fall, Southerners start looking for muscadines — a popular grape native to the Southeastern U.S. Selections run from the dark purple, thick-skinned traditional muscadine to a light golden green variety. Soon, growers and consumers can add a new red variety to the mix.
Interim Dean and Director, UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences CAES News
West named interim dean
Joe West, who most recently served as assistant dean of the University of Georgia Tifton Campus, has been named interim dean and director of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, effective July 1.
Calvin Perry, superintendent of Stripling Irrigation Research Park, examines an irrigation box in this 2014 photo. CAES News
Saving Water
For the past three decades, Alabama, Florida and Georgia have been battling over control of water resources in what has become known as the “tri-state water wars.” Judge Paul Kelly of New Mexico, a Supreme Court-appointed expert known as a “special master,” recently ruled in favor of Georgia in the ongoing Florida vs. Georgia court case.