Browse Horticulture Stories - Page 11

742 results found for Horticulture
Robin Buell2 1536x1025 CAES News
Plant Genomics Research
Since Robin Buell joined the University of Georgia faculty in fall 2021, there’s been a flurry of activity in her lab. Buell and her researchers have nine projects underway in plant genomics – and Buell has already secured millions of dollars in federal funding.
KristenDunningpitches2022 CAES News
UGA Venture Prize
When Kristen Dunning participated in her first UGA Entrepreneurship Idea Accelerator Program, she was a woman with sensitive skin, a knack for plants and a dream of selling soap to the masses.
4-H'ers listen to planting instructions from a Master Gardener at the new GROWL Fulton County Demonstration and Teaching Garden located at the Camp Fulton-Truitt office in College Park, Georgia. CAES News
Prepare Your Garden
You may still be scraping frost off your windshield in the early morning this time of the year, but it is not too early to begin planning your spring vegetable garden. Completing a few essential steps will ensure that you will have success in your garden when warmer spring temperatures arrive.
Flower bouquets are a popular gift choice, especially around Valentine's Day. CAES News
Flower Purchase Preferences
Valentine's Day is a popular day to give — and receive — a bouquet of flowers. But a recent consumer study from University of Georgia researchers finds that not all gift givers want the same things when it comes to botanical purchases.
Marc Van Iersel among turnip plants in a grow room at his greenhouses. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA) CAES News
Smart Greenhouses
A new, internet-connected lighting system for greenhouses could sharply reduce a farmer’s electrical bill, according to a study by University of Georgia researchers.
AgForecast2022Logo CAES News
2022 Georgia Ag Forecast
The lingering effects of the global pandemic continue to ripple through Georgia, with persistent supply chain issues and inflation affecting bottom lines. But a strong overall economic outlook and confident consumer spending signal recovery in 2022, according to University of Georgia agricultural economists at the 2022 Georgia Ag Forecast.
Angelos Deltsidis is an assistant professor with the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' horticulture department. (Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA) CAES News
Reducing Food Waste
When Angelos Deltsidis isn’t in the lab or in the field, he can usually be found on the road or trail, putting in miles on a long run through nature. But his runs aren’t simply spent enjoying the greenery—he is also focusing on what the plants produce, how they do it and gathering research ideas. He is finding inspiration.
UGA Arch from Broad Street CAES News
Presidential Interdisciplinary Seed Grants
Eleven grants totaling $1.5 million were awarded in November 2021 to recipients of the third round of Presidential Interdisciplinary Seed Grants. Overall the awards went to faculty from 13 UGA departments, centers, programs, schools and colleges.
UGA horticulture scientist Ye Juliet Chu is the latest peanut researcher in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences to produce three breeding lines from peanut’s wild relatives. (Submitted photo) CAES News
Disease-Resistant Hybrids
Using proven production practices to fight disease in the field, Georgia farmers produce half the peanuts grown in the U.S. each year. Modern peanut varieties carry few genetic defenses against some of the more devastating diseases, so peanut farmers carefully consider when to plant, whether to irrigate and when to apply fungicide and insecticide to keep those diseases from infecting the plant.