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Butterfly Weed is a native herbaceous perennial that attracts butterflies like magnets with its florescent orange blooms. CAES News
Spring gardening
Welcome to the 35th annual Spring Garden Packet from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Written by CAES faculty, editors and graduate and undergraduate students, these articles are provided to help you with timely, valuable statewide gardening information.
Photo of a rain garden taken by North Carolina Cooperative Extension personnel. CAES News
It's raining, it's pouring
It’s raining in Georgia, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to stop. Instead of the drought levels and watering restrictions of years past, Georgians are now dealing with a yard-flooding abundance of rainfall.
El Niño dominates
An El Niño winter continued to dominate Georgia in January, bringing cold, rainy weather to much of the state.
Preying mantis females often eat their partners after mating. Male is being consumed after mating (brown). CAES News
Bug Love
Around Valentine’s Day people plan grand expressions of love for their sweethearts. Unlike humans, insects don’t have a day dedicated to love, but they do find time to romance in their own ways. Maybe people could learn a few things from them. Or, maybe not, said a University of Georgia insect expert.
Red and Yellow tulips planted in a bed on the UGA Athens campus. April 2008. CAES News
Growing green
Georgia’s green industry has suffered for several years under the strain of drought and related water restrictions. Continued economic woes, especially in the troubled housing industry, dampened recovery. But the future looks sunnier, according to a University of Georgia economist.
UGA Center for Food Safety director Mike Doyle speaks with a reporter after the annual Ag Forecast breakfast in Macon, Ga., on Jan. 29, 2010. CAES News
Food safety legislation
Outrage from recent food safety incidents – which range from E. coli in spinach to salmonella in peanut paste and jalapeño and serrano peppers – has driven state and national leaders to take action, making the coming year one for some major food policy changes, said Mike Doyle, director of the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety in Griffin, Ga.
Logo for 2010 Ag Forecast CAES News
Georgia Ag Forecast
Last year, most commodity prices dropped by 10 percent, leaving Georgia farmers facing their first significant decline in farm gate value in a decade. University of Georgia economists say 2010 should be a better year for them.
A buffet at an event with pizza, fruit and cheese. CAES News
Kitchen safety
Sometimes food makes people sick, leading to product recalls, either large or small. Regardless of its origins, consumers should take steps to responsibly prepare and serve their food at home, says a University of Georgia food expert.
Logo for 2010 Ag Forecast CAES News
Consumer food safety
Foodborne illness is a leading cause of disease in the United States. And, now more than ever, it’s a leading subject of headlines. Where food comes from now and how those illnesses are reported and tracked could be the reason why people are paying more attention, say University of Georgia food experts.