Browse Departments Stories - Page 292

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SARE Grant
Adding nitrogen to fertilize their crop is a substantial expense corn farmers have to consider when calculating their bottom line. A University of Georgia scientist hopes to help lower that cost by planting clover and corn together.
Artist rendering of UGA Griffin Campus Turfgrass Facility CAES News
Turfgrass Funding
For decades, University of Georgia scientists have conducted state-of-the-art turfgrass research. Today’s researchers still work in the same labs where modern turfgrass science started in the 1950s. Those legacy labs and greenhouses will soon get much-needed renovations. Georgia’s FY015 budget includes $11.5 million for the improvement of the University of Georgia’s turfgrass teaching, research and Extension facilities across the state.
A syrphid or flower fly hovers over a swamp sunflower bloom. The tiny insect is sometimes called a hover fly because its flight pattern resembles that of a hovering hummingbird. CAES News
Attracting Pollinators
A butterfly and container garden workshop will be offered Wednesday, May 28 from 9 a.m. until noon at the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden off Ellis Road in Griffin.
Cotton Irrigation App
A new smartphone app developed by University of Georgia and University of Florida researchers will help cotton farmers in their states save one of nature’s most precious resources — water.
The UGA PLANET Student Career Days team visiting Denver Botanic Garden. From left to right (front row); Dr. Tim Smalley, Rachel Wigington, Kaylee South, Russell Dye, Lauren Muller, Alex Hudson, Alex Ferguson, Cari Heinz, Jared Dobbs, Tanner Bailey, (back row) Dr. Matthew Chappell, Drew Payton, Kohler Brafford, Ashley Martin, Brian Harding, George Grant, Chase Ducharme, Will Hembree, John Scuderi, (not pictured) Dr. John Ruter, Mandy Bayer, Kevin Kelly. CAES News
Horticulture Competition
A team of University of Georgia horticulture and environmental design students recently placed fourth nationally in the Professional LandCare Network Student Career Days competition in Fort Collins, Co.
Associate Dean for Extension for the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Beverly Sparks accepts a proclamation recognizing the Georgia Association of Agricultural Agents from Mike Berg, outgoing president of the Association County Commissioners of Georgia. CAES News
ACCG and UGA Extension
In recognition of her work maintaining University of Georgia Extension’s service to Georgians in the face of faltering budgets and changing demands, the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) honored UGA Extension director Beverly Sparks Monday.
UGA Extension has researched-based resources for those who want to raise backyard chickens. CAES News
Poultry Workshop
University of Georgia Extension will offer a Backyard Flock Poultry Workshop May 1st in downtown Comer.
University of Georgia Extension water resource specialist Gary Hawkins looks over a solar panel. CAES News
Solar Power
Using the sun as a power source isn’t a new concept. But for some Georgia farmers, implementing solar power to deliver water to remote locations is making a huge difference.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss speaks at the National 4-H Council Breakfast on April 9 in Washington D.C. CAES News
Friend of 4-H
National 4-H Council recognized Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) with the 4-H Champion for Kids Award today during a 4-H Congressional Breakfast on Capitol Hill. Chambliss received the award in honor of his work advancing 4-H youth development in Georgia.