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Two women tour the organic production plots at UGA's Durham Horticulture Farm during UGA's 2014 Organic Twilight Tour. CAES News
Organic Farm Tour
In its sixth year, UGA’s Organic Farm Twilight Tour is a chance to stroll around UGA’s 90-acre organic research and horticulture farm and learn about the latest in organic growing methods.
Beware of burrweed in your lawn. CAES News
Drought & Lawns
Last year’s prolonged drought has extended into this year. Lawns that were in poor health before the drought are having trouble greening up now. If you’re reviving a spotty lawn, perk it up with help from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.  
Despite the fact that he dislocated his shoulder the first day of the event, 15-year-old Tyler Griffeth continued to participate in the 2016 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. This was a sign of his perseverance and tenacity to see his projects through to the end. Each year, some 1,600 4-H and FFA students in Georgia participate in livestock shows that involve goats, lambs, steers, heifers and swine. Youth who participate in livestock programs have to feed their animals every day, work with them, get them trained to show and, finally, groom them and get them ready to be put in the ring. They quickly learn that taking care of an animal requires a lot of responsibility. CAES News
Learning Responsibility
I am passionate about youth livestock projects. I think youth livestock projects, like showing hogs, cattle, goats, lambs or even horses, are one of the most valuable and rewarding experiences out there for youth today. How many other activities teach the level of responsibility that’s required of someone showing an animal at a livestock show?
Twenty-one CAES graduate students hit the road in May to explore crop protection career opportunities in Florida. CAES News
Crop Protection Careers
The search for a perfect job can feel like a major quest. That quest turns literal for a group of University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) students for one week each summer.
Split bark, or vertical cracks along the lower tree stem of young trees, most commonly occurs on thin-barked trees like this plum tree. Large cracks can become long-term open wounds that are more susceptible to wood-boring insects, fungal diseases and wood decay. CAES News
Split Bark
Split bark, or vertical cracks along the lower tree stem of young trees, most commonly occurs on thin-barked trees such as dogwood, elm, maple, cherry, apple, peach and plum trees.
A deer in its second year, a yearling, is caught by the lens of a wildlife camera. His small rack of antlers has grown over the past year. Antlers have the fastest growing tissue known to man. With the right nutrition, a buck can grow an excess of 200 inches of bone on his head in a matter of 120 days. CAES News
Deer Antlers
Deer antlers are not horns, though the two words are often used synonymously. Horns are permanent, keratinized epithelial cells. The protein keratin is required to harden those cells. Antlers, on the other hand, are derived from endothelial cells that are grown and shed annually. These cells are grown from the tip of the sequential antler and are made of osteocytes, or bone cells, that calcify and harden.
The lone star tick is the most common tick in Georgia and is active between early spring and late fall. CAES News
Avoiding Ticks
The risk of serious illness from a tick bite is low in Georgia, but there’s no reason to give them a free meal.
David Bertioli, an International Peanut Genome Initiative plant geneticist of the Universidade de Brasília, has joined the faculty of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Bertioli first came to UGA in 2013 as a visiting professor. CAES News
GRA Distinguished Investigator
David Bertioli, a world-class expert in the genetics and genomics of peanut species, will join the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as a professor and the university’s first Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Investigator.
Steers graze on sorghum-sudangrass hybrid forage at the UGA Eatonton Beef Research Unit as part of a 2014 study on grass-finished beef forages. CAES News
Field Day
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Corn Silage and Forage Field Day is set for Thursday, June 15, on the UGA campus in Tifton, Georgia.