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Angelita Acebes is the new Extension pecan entomologist on the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
New Pecan Entomologist
New University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan entomologist Angelita Acebes hopes to find more effective, sustainable solutions for Georgia farmers managing pest insects.
Cook County ANR Agent Tucker Price holds up a watermelon plant infected with gummy stem blight disease. CAES News
Watermelon Research
Georgia watermelon growers who have a targeted, informed disease management plan for gummy stem blight disease could save money and lessen the environmental impact of producing this favorite summertime fruit.
Hospitality Degree
The Board of Regents has approved the University of Georgia to offer a new degree program that will fuel the workforce of the state’s growing hospitality industry. 
Georgia 4-H now offers the Setting Your Sights on Medical School program to expose students from medically underserved, rural Georgia to medical school. Members of 4-H must apply to the program, and accepted students travel to Macon for an inside look at medical school through sessions led by Mercer faculty and students. CAES News
Future Doctors
To expose 4-H’ers from medically underserved, rural Georgia to medical school, Georgia 4-H has created a program called “Setting Your Sights on Medical School.” Select students travel to Macon, Georgia, for an inside look at medical school through sessions led by Mercer University Medical School students and faculty.
Chef Daniel Peach of Botiwalla checks in on school-aged chefs Nile Smith of Roswell North Elementary School, Isaiah Farrow of Georgia Connections Academy, and Parker Payne of Woodward Academy as they put the finishing touches on their kale salad and grilled cheese sandwich during the inaugural Fulton Fresh Kids Cooking Competition. CAES News
Cooking Competition
Does your child ever watch cooking competition shows like “Chopped Junior” or Iron Chef America” and say, “I could do that!”? Fulton Fresh is offering children that chance this spring with their second annual spring Fulton Fresh Cooking Competition on Wednesday, May 30. 
Crop and soil science research coordinator Dale Wood, from left, doctoral student Ben Stewart-Brown, research professional Brice Wilson, Monsanto fleet manager Brian Brand and Professor Zenglu Li stand with a new Alamco planter. CAES News
Research Planter
No matter what kind of technology plant breeders use in the lab, developing more sustainable and productive crop varieties takes a lot of time in the field. 
Distracted driving is more than checking or sending text messages on your phone. It is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system or anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving. CAES News
Distracted Driving
Taking your eyes off the road for five seconds at 55 miles per hour is like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Startling, but most of us have glanced at the GPS, grabbed our phone, reprimanded a child or even had a heated conversation, all while driving.  
Darrell Sparks was awarded the UGA Inventor of the Year Award in 2018. CAES News
UGA Inventor
Darrell Sparks’ legacy at the University of Georgia spans more than 50 years and includes the release of eight patented pecan cultivars and research focused on the development of new and improved pecan varieties. For his contributions to Georgia’s pecan industry, Sparks is the 2018 recipient of the university’s Inventor of the Year Award.
A cucumber vine grows in a backyard garden in Butts County, Ga. CAES News
Succession Planting
Succession planting simply means that you plant vegetables continuously throughout the season. Planting this way ensures that, as older plants mature and end their production cycle, new ones start to produce. This practice extends the harvest window and ensures the availability of produce at the peak of production throughout the growing season.