Administering First Aid

Universal Precautions for Administering First Aid:

Most approaches to infection control are based on a concept called Universal Precautions. It requires that persons administering aid consider every person, all blood and body fluids to be a potential carrier of infectious disease.

When administering first aid, the following standards of practice should be followed:

  1. Wash hands with antiseptic towelettes if there is any possibility of contact with blood, body fluids or human tissues from an injured worker. Wash hands with soap and water as soon as possible.

  2. Wear gloves when anticipating contact with blood, body fluids, tissues, mucous membranes or contaminated surfaces, or if breaks in the skin are present.

  3. Wear an impervious gown or apron if splattering of clothes is likely.

  4. Wear a mask if there is to be contact with an infectious disease spread by splatter droplets.

  5. Wear appropriate protective equipment at all times including a mask and eye protection if aerosolization or splattering is likely to occur when attending to an injured person.

  6. Make mouthpieces, resuscitation bags and other resuscitation devices readily available for use in areas where the need for resuscitation is likely and carry appropriate devices in emergency response kits.

  7. Handle sharp objects carefully.
    - Do not cut, bend, break or reinsert used needles into original sheath by hand.
    - Discard sharp objects intact, immediately after use into an impervious sharps disposal box which should be carried whenever needles are in the emergency response kit.
    - Report immediately all needle stick accidents, mucosal splashes or contamination of open wounds with blood or body fluids.

  8. Dispose of all spills which contain or may contain biological contaminants in accordance with policies for hazardous waste disposal. Until clean up is complete, the accident area should be roped off to other workers.

  9. Post Universal Precaution signs in all areas designated for first aid and on emergency response boxes and first aid kits.