Physical Plant
Emergency Contacts (After Hours, Nights and Weekends)
Jeff Wiggins: 229-445-0386
Kurt Seigler: 229-445-0110 or 229-402-3680
Physical Plant supports the research, extension, and academic endeavors of the Tifton Campus. It is responsible for the maintenance and physical upkeep of the buildings, landscape, and grounds of the UGA Tifton Campus.
Office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Fax: 229-386-7292
How do I submit a work order?
If you are an employee working on the UGA Tifton Campus, submit a work order to request assistance.
Email your request to or call the main phone line at (229) 386-3337. (PLEASE DO NOT contact personnel on work-issued cell phones or personal phones for work orders to be done.)
Physical Plant Staff
David E. Adcock
Groundskeeper, Tifton Campus
Martha N Cleveland
Building Services Worker, Tifton
Max Cook
Building Services Worker, Tifton
Yolanda Dennard
Building Services Worker I
Trenton Keith Fechner
Student Assistant
Shedrick Gaskins
Building Services Supervisor
Kevin Griffin
Facilities Coordinator
Scott Jackson
Chris Luke
Skilled Trades Worker
Phyllis Richardson
Building Services Worker I
Patrick Sumner Riner
Kurt Seigler
Supt Plant Op & Engineer
Edna Shannon
Building Services Worker, Tifton
Dana Sumner
Administrative Associate, Tifton
Jasper Wade Utley
Student Assistant
Jeff Wiggins
Facilities Manager
Brady Thomas York
Student Assistant
2360 Rainwater Road
Tifton, Georgia 31793
Tifton, Georgia 31793