Browse Food Safety Stories - Page 6

91 results found for Food Safety
A cold slice of Georgia-grown watermelon is a natural snack for a hot summer day. University of Georgia food safety specialists say that once a melon is cut, either serve or refrigerate it immediately. The juicy surfaces of cut melons are great places for bacteria to multiply if conditions are warm. CAES News
Safer Fruit
Watermelon, cantaloupe and other melons should be thoroughly cleaned and refrigerated after they are cut, says University of Georgia Cooperative Extension foods specialist.
Canned beans in a pressure canner. May, 2008. CAES News
Time to Can
Canning season is here and, even if you haven’t harvested your backyard tomatoes or okra yet, it’s time to get ready.
If you experience a prolonged power outage, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible. A refrigerator will keep food at a safe, cold temperature for about four hours if the door remains closed. A full freezer will hold its temperature for about 48 hours. A half-full freezer will only maintain its temperature for about 24 hours if the door stays closed. CAES News
Emergency Food Safety
All hands on deck! Stormy weather and hurricanes can blow through with little warning this time of year. Preparation before the storm hits can mean the difference between safe food and water and contaminated supplies that can make you sick.
Lettuce, a high-value cash crop, was among the highest yielding crops in a University of Georgia organic trial incorporating cover crops into a high-intensive crop rotation model at a UGA farm in Watkinsville, GA. The crop yielded a net return of over $9,000 per acre over the three-year study period. CAES News
Wash Produce
An outbreak of E. coli linked to romaine lettuce grown in Yuma, Arizona, has been linked to one death, 52 hospitalizations and 121 case reports in 25 states across the U.S. Judy Harrison, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension food safety specialist, says washing produce won’t guarantee it’s free of pathogens, but it will help.
Propane-fired turkey fryers on display in a sporting goods store in Macon, Georgia. CAES News
Fried Turkeys
Frying a holiday turkey may sound like fun, but it can be tricky. Here are a few tips from University of Georgia experts to help make sure your bird is thoroughly cooked and your holiday doesn't include a trip to the emergency room or a call to the fire department.
This month, Michael Doyle retired from his position as director of the Center for Food Safety on the UGA Griffin campus. CAES News
Doyle Retires
Twenty-six years ago, the University of Georgia hired Mike Doyle to create and lead a research center focused on detecting, controlling and eliminating foodborne pathogens in America’s food supply. This month, Doyle retired from his position as director of the world-renowned Center for Food Safety on the UGA Griffin campus.
Henk den Bakker is a food scientist with the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety, located on the UGA Griffin Campus. He received his master's degree in systematic biology, with a specialty in mycology and botany, from Leiden University in the Netherlands. His doctorate degree in mycology is from the National Herbarium of the Netherlands at Leiden University. He is a member of the American Society for Microbiology and the Genetics Society of America. CAES News
Food Safety Bioinformatics
Food safety research usually involves analyzing live populations of foodborne pathogens like Salmonella, Listeria and E. coli, but University of Georgia food scientist Henk den Bakker fights pathogens by developing computer software. 
Xiangyu Deng, an assistant professor of food microbiology with the Center for Food Safety (CFS) on the UGA Griffin campus. CAES News
Deng Honored
University of Georgia food microbiologist Xiangyu Deng’s work in the emerging field of bioinformatics led to his selection as a Creative Research Medal winner for 2017.
Roasted turkey prepared for a holiday meal. CAES News
Safe Holiday Bird
A perfectly cooked turkey on the table is the crowning jewel of a holiday feast. Some favorite tools for cooking turkeys include electric roaster ovens, grills, smokers and even deep fat fryers.