Browse Field Crops, Forage and Turfgrass Production Stories - Page 13

665 results found for Field Crops, Forage and Turfgrass Production
Frank Nolin, a retired businessman who manufactured agricultural equipment for Georgia farms, is designing and building small-scale equipment for Africa through the Feed the Future Peanut Innovation Lab at the University of Georgia. CAES News
Malawi peanut shellers
One big key to improving peanut crop quality and market reliability in Malawi is post-harvest equipment. The Peanut Innovation Lab helped match up the people who want to buy peanuts with Frank Nolin, a retired steel equipment manufacturer who spent his career building equipment for the US peanut industry. By making it possible for buyers to sort nuts for size and quality, Nolin’s equipment allows buyers to separate nuts by grade and reward farmers based on quality, as well as separate groundnuts for sale in different markets.
Katrien M. Devos, a professor of crop and soil sciences and plant biology at the University of Georgia, has been named a Fellow of the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) in honor of her career studying evolutionary biology and working to breed more resilient crop varieties. CAES News
CSSA Fellow
Katrien M. Devos, a professor of crop and soil sciences and plant biology at the University of Georgia, has been named a Fellow of the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA).
Copies of the centennial book, published by UGA-Tifton, are on sale for $33 each. This price covers the cost of the book, along with taxes and shipping. CAES News
Centennial History
Before farm-to-table was trendy, scientists and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension personnel in Tifton were taking research from the lab to the farm.
Nostoc is a jelly-like substance with multiple common names like star jelly and witch’s butter. In its hydrated, gelatinous, green state, it can be a safety hazard. Slippery when wet, Nostoc dries into a black crust that can prevent stolons from rooting, or “tacking,” into the soil, delaying the growth and spread of turfgrass. CAES News
Nostoc Algae
Recent dry weather encouraged the use, and possible overuse, of irrigation systems. Followed by tropical conditions characterized by heavy rainfall and humidity, there have been reports of a jelly-like substance growing in turf.
Black shank disease turns tobacco leaves yellow and causes the plant to wilt and eventually die. CAES News
Black Shank Disease
While most Georgia crops are suffering from the recent lack of rainfall across the state, tobacco farmers have some reason to celebrate. Three consecutive weeks of dry weather in May have curbed incidences of black shank disease, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension tobacco agronomist J. Michael Moore.
Irrigation maintenance is key for farmers to avoid costly malfunctions once the growing season begins. CAES News
Warming weather
Georgia temperatures are rising, and the weather is only going to get hotter with little rain in the forecast. That’s not good news for Georgia’s cotton producers who are in the middle of planting this year’s crop, says Jared Whitaker, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension cotton agronomist.
Scout schools will be offered at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia, as well as the Southeast Research and Education Center in Midville, Georgia. CAES News
Scout Schools
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has scheduled two insect scouting schools for Georgia’s cotton, peanut and soybean farmers, both set for June.
Georgia sod producers are scrambling to provide more zoysia this season. The popularity of the grass coupled with the wet growing season has their supplies running low. UGA turfgrass researchers Paul Raymer (left) and Alfredo Martinez (right) are shown inspecting a roll of sod with retired UGA Extension turfgrass specialist Gil Landry. CAES News
Zoysia Shortage
Zoysiagrass is gaining in popularity throughout Georgia. Couple increased popularity with a wet and overcast 2018 growing season and some Georgia sod producers are seeing a decline in their inventory.
Pine trees toppled over after Hurricane Michael in Wilcox County, Georgia. CAES News
No Relief
Agricultural producers in the region damaged most by Hurricane Michael are struggling to recover from this disaster without additional federal assistance, even as the 2019 spring planting season is now fully underway. A recent survey of Cooperative Extension county agents in Florida and Georgia showed that there is a great deal of continued uncertainty about future production in affected areas.