Browse Food Stories - Page 15

173 results found for Food
A platter of dark and white meat turkey. CAES News
Guidelines for Leftovers
For many families, the prospect of turkey sandwiches and turkey soup after Thanksgiving is almost as exciting as the big meal itself.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say washing hands after petting animals at fairs and festivals is a must. Petting zoos and farms can be a source of E. coli transmission. Reduce your risk of becoming ill by visiting hand-washing stations immediately and thoroughly washing your hands. CAES News
Clean Hands
It is the time of year for visiting pumpkin patches, fall festivals and Christmas tree farms. Many of these venues have petting zoos and sell food products – a combination that is a potential health risk if proper hand washing isn’t included.
A concession stand at the Kiwanis Club Fairgrounds in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Safe Concession Food
Concession stands are great fundraisers. But the safety and well-being of the diners, as well as the organization’s reputation, lies in the hands of the servers.
An array of food products CAES News
Store Food
As tropical storms and hurricanes pound the U.S. East Coast, homeowners listen closely to local weather broadcasts. Whether or not a record-breaking storm affects you, University of Georgia experts say that having an emergency food supply on hand is always a good idea.
As interest in local food continues to grow, more communities across Georgia have started farmers markets, like this one in Roswell. The University of Georgia's helping to meet the demand, too, with a certificate program in local food systems. CAES News
National Farmers Market Week
Fresh tomatoes, fresh okra and heirloom field peas — who doesn’t love a farmers market?
Francisco Diez Gonzalez became director of the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety on July 1, 2016. Diez earned a bachelor's degree in food technology from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, and completed master's and doctoral degrees in food science at Cornell University in New York. He came to UGA from the University of Minnesota, where he was a faculty member and head of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition. CAES News
Director Diez
For years, food scientist Francisco Diez studied and admired the work of University of Georgia Regents’ Professor Mike Doyle, but the two researchers’ paths never crossed. For the next year, they will work closely together as Diez transitions into Doyle’s role as director of the UGA Center for Food Safety in Griffin, Georgia.
Fresh brown eggs from chickens raised by a Pike County, Ga., farmer. CAES News
Egg Candling
Raising a flock of backyard chickens ensures that you have a steady supply of fresh eggs. But if you plan to sell those eggs, Georgia law requires the eggs be candled.
Lyndon Waller, left, a DeKalb Mobile Farmers Market program assistant, and Rickeia Stewart, a UGA Extension administrative assistant in DeKalb County, are part of the team helping to bring fresh vegetables to underserved communities in DeKalb County. CAES News
Metro Mobile Markets
Summer isn’t quite the same without fresh corn, beans, okra and tomatoes, but many Georgians don’t have easy access to the state’s bounty of produce.
Canning beans in a pressure canner. May 2008. CAES News
Home Canning
If you are thinking about following in your grandmother’s footsteps to preserve food this summer, start preparing now by gathering your equipment and supplies. The proper tools should be kept in good condition to ensure safe, high quality, home-canned food.