Hazardous Materials Policy
Spill Clean-up/Containment:
The following supplies should be readily available to the areas where spills of hazardous materials may occur:
- Soap, water, eyewash and single-use towels for personal cleanup.
- Material readily available for spill containment, such as sand, soil, dike hoses, etc.
- Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and hydrated lime.
- Absorptive materials, such as kitty litter, sawdust, vermiculite, etc.
- Bucket, broom, shovel, sprinkling can and containers for disposal of wastes.
- Personal protective equipment necessary to handle the most toxic pesticide in inventory.
Emergency Procedures to Follow in Case a Hazardous Emergency Occurs:
- Assure public and personal safety. Clear all unauthorized personnel from the area.
- Put on appropriate protective equipment.
- Stop the source of the spill.
- Contain the spill with a physical barrier. Protect wells and waterways.
- If the pesticide is a solid formulation, scoop up as much as possible. It may be used if not overly contaminated.
- Sprinkle spill with 1:10 mixture of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and water followed by a liberal application of hydrated lime. Let stand for one hour.
- Spread absorptive material over any liquid spills. Collect absorptive material and dispose of as a hazardous material.
- Dispose of any heavily contaminated materials (e.g. clothing, absorptive materials) and dispose of as hazardous wastes.
- Inform the Unit Administrator of the spill as soon as possible, especially if the spill is on soil or threatens a water supply.
Emergency Phone Numbers:
Post the following phone numbers near all appropriate telephones:
Local Agency: If Emergency, call 911
Poison Control Center: 1-800-282-5846
CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300
Pesticide Epidemiologic Studies Center: 1-800-845-7633
Georgia Environmental Protection Division: 1-800-241-4113
UGA Environmental Safety Division: (706) 542-5801
Emergency Response:
Inform appropriate responding units. Keep information files on current pesticide inventory and provide to local emergency units. Establish a chain of command in event of emergency.
Resource Information:
CAES Policies and Recommended Handling Procedures for Pesticides and Fertilizers
Hazardous Materials Program from UGA Environmental Safety Division
UGA Chemical and Laboratory Safety Manual