Located at the University of Georgia Tifton campus, the National Environmentally Sound Production Agriculture Laboratory (NESPAL) was formed in 1991 to address the issues of maintaining efficient agricultural production, while protecting the environment and assuring consumers of a safe and affordable food and feed, fiber, and fuel supply.
Today, NESPAL has evolved as an interdisciplinary research and education hub for sustainable agriculture to ensure safe food and water, locally in rural America, and globally.
NESPAL-North houses a dynamic and evolving group of scientists and students with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Projects span precision agriculture to molecular breeding and integrate engineering, plant reproduction, molecular genetics, plant breeding, agronomy, and plant physiology among other disciplines. NESPAL, with its world-class research, facilities, and affiliated Future Farmstead, promotes collaboration among state and federal scientists and outreach on impactful agricultural research to stakeholders and the general public.
- NESPAL-North
NESPAL-South (facing Rainwater Road) was constructed in 2002 as an incubator for small agricultural technology businesses. Today, it houses UGA Tifton Academic Affairs, a student center/lounge, classrooms, conference rooms, graduate student offices, the Office of Information Technology (OIT), as well as USDA ARS Information Technology offices.
- Academic Affairs
229-386-3528 - UGA-Tifton IT
229-386-3594 - USDA ARS IT
2353 Rainwater Road
Tifton, GA 31793