Agricultural & Applied Economics

Agricultural and Applied Economics applies the principles of economics to producing, marketing and consuming crops, livestock and other agricultural goods and services in real world situations. 

Faculty in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus provide economics education and applied research in the areas of production economics, risk management, marketing, commodity market situation and outlook and farm policy. Tifton faculty have primary Extension responsibilities by commodity area. Commodity-specific programs include corn, cotton, fruits and vegetables, peanuts, pecans, soybeans, tobacco, wheat and other small grains. Education and applied research programs are delivered to clientele via presentations at county, state, national and industry meetings, and through numerous publications, web-based materials, PowerPoint slide sets and computerized decision aids.

Faculty and staff on the Tifton campus are housed on the third floor of the H.H. Tift Building.

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Agricultural & Applied Economics

Research, Extension, Instruction Coordinator for Tifton

Tifton Personnel in the Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics